Getting Started
Start here if you are new to Subscribe-O-Matic.
Subscribe-O-Matic is a fast growing communication, marketing, and message delivery service used by hundreds of content creators, virtual enterpreneurs and o...
Sat, 22 Mar, 2014 at 4:00 PM
All you need to do to start using Subscribe-O-Matic is grab our free package that contains everything you need to set up your Subscribe-O-Matic group includ...
Thu, 9 Oct, 2014 at 4:35 AM
To set up your Subscribe-O-Matic group for the first time, rez the Subscribe-O-Matic package, unpack it into your inventory and follow these steps:
Fri, 4 Jul, 2014 at 5:43 AM
Although you can send messages with or without attachments through Subscribe-O-Matic, we suggest you always attach at least a notecard with your message, si...
Wed, 17 Sep, 2014 at 11:51 AM